How to Make Line by Line Come Seperately for Powerpoint TUTORIAL

Video is a great way to engage your audition in a more than engaging, dynamic, or emotive fashion than can be accomplished with standard PowerPoint alone. Or it tin save you a lot of time. There are a couple of options available if you want to embed video in PowerPoint.

Read on for step-by-pace instructions and more!

How to embed a video in PowerPoint

  • Insert > Video > Video on My PC
  • Resize video – to fit your design, content, and layout, or go far full screen
  • Playback > Video Options > Play Full Screen – easy option to play full screen
  • Playback > Start: In Click Sequence, Automatically, or When Clicked On
  • Animations > Animation Pane – for fine detail control

The most reliable way to embed video in PowerPoint is to go the Insert tab on the ribbon, and so Video on the right-hand side. Here yous can choose Video on My PC and navigate to the appropriate file on your estimator. Once selected, click Insert and you'll insert video into PowerPoint. The video will announced on your slide just like a standard shape. Using the white grab handles, you tin can resize the video and movement it anywhere you like on the slide. If you embed video into PowerPoint slides that have other elements on them, then try to make the video line up with everything else and fit neatly into a set working area. Don't just go out information technology floating. If you have a blank PowerPoint slide, make the video make full the entire screen, and so information technology's easier for your audience to run across what'southward going on.

If you lot want to keep the slide count down, yous can insert video into PowerPoint every bit a layer on a slide. One option, which also works well if you need to share your presentation with others, is to select the video, go to the Playback tab on the ribbon and look at the Video Options section in the heart. There is a check box to Play Full Screen, which means that you can make the video fairly minor on the slide, but it will play full screen when in slide show way. It can be tiny or even off the slide entirely, but it volition still play total screen with no loss of quality and it will appear in front of all other content, and then this is a pretty useful function.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint. Place a video off the slide then use a trigger to play it full screen.

Next, still on the Playback tab in the Video Options section in the middle, utilize the drib-downwardly menu to cull when the video Starts. There are three options here and they tin exist misleading. In Click Sequence and Automatically both hateful that the video starts to play when the Play animation is next in the blitheness order. If you lot have zero else animative on the slide, so it'southward like shooting fish in a barrel. But if there are other objects animating, and then In Click means you take to click for the video to play and other objects may animate first. Automatically means it volition offset immediately after the final animation you added. With either of these options, you're best going to the Animation tab on the ribbon, and choosing Animation Pane from the right-mitt side. Here you'll see a list of all the animations on the slide – the blue play icon shows you lot when the video will play. A number with a mouse icon shows you need to click. No number and a clock icon shows the video will play later on the previous animation. You can modify when either of these things happen by dragging the animation up or downward the animation list, or using the arrows on the top right-hand corner of the Animation Pane. You can besides use other animations on the video, such as an entrance animation to bring it on to the slide at a detail betoken, and an exit animation to remove information technology once it's finished playing.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint. Use the Animation Pane to play the video automatically.

And that's information technology. Now yous know how to embed a video in PowerPoint. Simply, yous tin do and so much more than than that, and I know that yous want to!

Video layout, cropping, formatting, and design in PowerPoint

How to crop a video in PowerPoint

How to custom ingather a video in PowerPoint

How to create video text in PowerPoint

How to edit or trim a video in PowerPoint

How to play video in PowerPoint

Hide video controls in PowerPoint

How to add video bookmarks in PowerPoint

How to extract a video from PowerPoint

Video layout, cropping, formatting, and design in PowerPoint

When you embed a video in PowerPoint, simply playing it is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you lot can accomplish. When you click on a video in PowerPoint two new tabs appear on the ribbon. The Video Format tab gives you options to change the video style. Things like corrections to change the brightness and dissimilarity aren't great, nor are the color wash options, although y'all may detect a apply for the greyscale. What may be useful is changing the poster frame, using the push button on the left, which alters the still image you see earlier the video starts playing. You can employ any image you lot take saved on your reckoner (which could be a still from after in the video), or something PowerPoint has found online, or fifty-fifty an icon – which I wouldn't recommend equally it looks odd jumping from a totally different image or icon to the video.

The Video Furnishings button in the middle of the ribbon gives yous a whole load of video style options, most of which are terrible, and you shouldn't go nearly, but it may be useful to apply them in some instances. You have all the same formatting options as with images. So, a shadow may help the video to stand out, or possibly a minor amount of 3D rotation is helpful to fit the video onto an prototype with a TV or screen at an angle, to create a more natural scene. Just remember that you probably want people to view the video easily, so minimize what effects you apply, and brand the video every bit large every bit possible (ideally full screen).

Use Format Video to apply 3D Rotation to a video so it plays on a screen on your slide.

How to crop a video in PowerPoint

You can also crop a video, using the Crop button on the correct-mitt side of the ribbon. This can exist useful to remove things y'all don't desire, like the blackness tramlines created if a widescreen video has been saved in the quondam four:3 attribute ratio, or you could crop to zoom in on an expanse of the video.

How to crop a video in PowerPoint. Go to Video Format then Crop.

You can also crop the video to whatever of the standard shapes in PowerPoint using the Video Shape button in the middle of the ribbon. Mostly this is going to look terrible, and so be cautious of doing it. Only y'all there are some instances where it could await smashing. Imagine a circle ingather showing a 'lens' into something like a automobile revealing more details or giving the impression of a clinical imaging organization looking inside the body. This would await especially adept if yous add an internal shadow using the Video Effects selection on the ribbon. Unfortunately, unlike with film cropping, there's no option to choose the aspect ratio, so use a circle shape to line upward and get it right, rather than guessing past middle.

How to crop a video in PowerPoint. Go to Video Format and Video Shape to crop to shape.

How to custom crop a video in PowerPoint

What if you don't want a standard shape? Perhaps your branding uses a sure bending throughout, and you'd like to create a block to the side for a title, quote, or phone call-out? You can't use Edit Points to alter the video frame, but y'all can utilise the Merge Shape tools, if they're on your Quick Access Toolbar. The Merge Shape tools are on the Shape Format tab on the ribbon, but that doesn't appear if you have a video selected. Add them to your QAT, and as long as you have a standard shape selected with the video, you can subtract any shape, or combination of shapes from the video.

How to custom crop a video in PowerPoint. Use the Merge Shapes tool.

Or you tin utilise the Intersect option to draw a freeform shape and use Edit Points to get something very precise, and then use that as the custom crop frame.

How to create video text in PowerPoint

Another use for Intersect would be to 'fill up' text with a video. Type your text then set the font and size. Position the text over the video, select the video and shift click to select the text, and then choose Intersect to get a video shaped like your text. It'southward important to select the video kickoff when doing this, otherwise, you'll just keep the text, and not the video text. You tin can then put the video text over the superlative of another video if you're super corking, and tin can create some rather neat double video effects – all using PowerPoint.

Y'all can take things fifty-fifty further, because, why wouldn't you, and utilize Fragment. This will requite y'all lots of videos, that y'all get independent command over, which can produce an interesting staggered play effect.

You can start to do some really interesting things, so attempt it out.

How to edit or trim a video in PowerPoint

I've talked about cropping video to a specific size, but in PowerPoint yous tin can also trim your video to remove unwanted footage. It's not sophisticated, but information technology is quick. With a video selected, get to the Playback tab on the ribbon and the Editing tools on the left. Here you tin can choose Trim Video, which allows yous to start and finish at any indicate. Sadly, you can't create multiple sections, which would be oh so useful, but if you're desperate to do this in PowerPoint, you can trim the video to the first section you want, and so re-create/paste the video and trim the second video to the second department you want. A bit of playing with the animation using a disappear on the first video and an appear and play animation on the second video would then give the effect of two sections of video playing seamlessly as one. But I agree, it'southward a pain.

To avert a trimmed video being as well harsh, back on the Playback tab on the ribbon, you can too employ the Fade In and Fade Out buttons to fade the video content in from blackness and out to black. Note that this is not the aforementioned as the video object fading into the slide from nothing. You'll take a black video window that volition reveal the video content. This works nicely for videos that are full screen, but for anything else, I'd use the regular PowerPoint entrance and get out animations on the video, as mentioned below.

How to play video in PowerPoint

Playing a video in PowerPoint is like shooting fish in a barrel. In that location are several methods but using the PowerPoint animations options mentioned earlier in the introduction is probably best. This is also the best way to get PowerPoint to autoplay a video without yous having to do anything.

If you're looking for other options for how to play video in PowerPoint, y'all can motion your mouse cursor over the video to bring upward the player controls and click play at any signal to play the video (in either edit or slide show modes), or you tin just click on any function of the video and it volition offset to play, and then click again and it will pause.

These things are really controlled past a trigger animation, where clicking an object on the slide triggers the play animation to kickoff. Annihilation can be a trigger for an animation to beginning, then it doesn't need to be the video. Y'all could take a nicely designed play button, for example, that you lot click to play the video. To create the trigger, select the Play animation in the Blitheness Pane, go to the Animation tab on the ribbon and choose Trigger on the right-hand side, then On Click of, and cull the object yous want to exist the trigger – for example the nice play push button you've created.

And of course, that play button could trigger not only a play blitheness, but an entrance animation as well, and so the video appears on the slide and then starts to play. It doesn't need to be on the screen to start with. You lot can also remove a video from the slide once information technology'due south finished with an exit animation. This could be automatically after the video has finished playing, or over again using a trigger animation and an object on the slide to 'close' the video or remove it.

And if yous're super slap-up, y'all don't even demand to click, but could instead use a mouse over Activity to set the video playing. Select the video that you'd like to mouse over to play, go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and choose Action on the right. In the popular-upward bill of fare choose the Mouse Over tab, select Object action in the middle and and then Play in the drop-down menu. Now, whenever you motility your mouse over the video, it will play immediately.

If you're eagle-eyed, you'll notice that in the Mouse Click tab in the Action Settings window, the Object activity Play setting is toggled on, which is why the video actually plays when you click on it in slide bear witness fashion (but it still pauses considering of the trigger animation). If you don't want the video to play when you lot click on it, yous tin change this setting to None and then rely totally on the role player controls or animations in the Animation Pane.

This might be useful to do if you have other agile content on the slide, such every bit triggers or hyperlinks for other content. You don't want someone accidentally clicking the video and it plays, when actually y'all wanted to click on a link. Some other option, which may exist quicker, is merely to place a transparent, no fill box over the video, so you can't accidentally click it. That box tin act as a hyperlink, or you could create other shapes, or indeed other transparent, no fill boxes in specific areas that have hyperlinks or triggers to various elements. Doing this also means that the thespian controls don't appear when you lot movement your mouse over the video, which generally looks poor and tin can exist quite irritating.

Hide video controls in PowerPoint

If you embed a video in PowerPoint but don't want the player controls visible, you can hide them by going to the Slide Evidence tab on the ribbon and unchecking the Show Media Controls box in the middle. This means you'll have to either ensure the Activity setting is preserved, or that you lot're using a play animation (either in the click sequence) or on a trigger to make the video play. You besides won't be able to skip around the video, unless you use video bookmarks.

How to add video bookmarks in PowerPoint

PowerPoint allows you lot to add together bookmarks to videos that assistance you to navigate to specific points speedily and easily. To add together a bookmark, select the video and use the video scrub bar to select the point in the video that you lot'd similar the bookmark. Once selected, become to the Playback tab on the ribbon, and then Add Bookmark on the left-paw side. You'll at present run across a pocket-sized circle in the scrub bar, which is the bookmark. You can add as many bookmarks every bit yous similar, and remove them using the Remove Bookmark push button on the Playback tab.

Y'all can now use those bookmarks to bound to a specific betoken in the video using the video scrub bar and clicking on them. Or, use the keyboard shortcuts Alt + Home to go back to the previous bookmark and Alt + End to go to the next bookmark. It'south also worth noting that the offset and end of the video count every bit a bookmark with these shortcuts, yous can go back to the showtime or direct to the terminate.

But what's really neat is that you tin apply the bookmarks every bit a trigger for any other animation, and so that when the video reaches a bookmark, an animation is triggered. One good use case for this is annotations on a video, then that a PowerPoint shape, text box, or any combination of elements appears over the video, or anywhere else on the slide when the video hits the right betoken. And then fades out later on at another bespeak in the video. Say you've got a video tutorial on using PowerPoint and want to show the keyboard shortcuts you mention. You can create pictures or shapes of the keys, group them, and add an archway animation using the Add together Animation button on the Blitheness tab in the ribbon. Then click the Trigger button and choose On Bookmark, where you can choose the appropriate bookmark in the video. Using this technique, you tin can have elements come up in, change, or disappear, all timed to the video. And if you bound around the video, then the objects volition animate at the aforementioned betoken in the video every time.

It'southward worth noting that the social club you lot add together the animations can exist important. For example, if y'all have an object with both an entrance and an exit consequence, each triggered by different bookmarks, it's the order of the animations, top to bottom, in the Animation Pane that matters. So, if you add the trigger to the exit animation kickoff, it will appear start in the listing, even if it's on Bookmark two. And then calculation an entrance animation to the same object, it volition appear second in the list, fifty-fifty if information technology'southward on Bookmark one. That means PowerPoint sees the first animation in the list as being an get out animation, and so the object volition appear on the slide from the start. When you get to Bookmark 1 in the video, information technology will trigger the entrance animation, so the object will flash off the slide and then come up back in. It'due south a hurting, as it ways editing animations triggered past video bookmarks is awkward, merely as long every bit you lot plan things out beforehand, y'all should be fine. Just breathing and trigger objects in the order you lot want them to appear.

How to extract a video from PowerPoint

When y'all embed a video in PowerPoint, y'all tin can save that video from PowerPoint by correct-clicking on information technology and choosing Relieve As Media to extract video from PowerPoint equally a separate video file, saved somewhere on your computer. If you want to extract all the video files in a PowerPoint deck yous tin practice this with the free BrightSlide add-in using the Export role in the File & Master section, and cull Export Media Files.

Sadly, when you lot extract video from PowerPoint whatever formatting, cropping, or trimming you've applied won't be saved (although you can save the trimming by compressing media which you can find out about here). You're simply extracting the base video that you lot embedded in PowerPoint originally, merely that may be precisely what you want. If not, one way to get concord of the edited video is to save the slide (or whole PowerPoint file) every bit a video. Get to the File tab on the ribbon and choose Export one-half-mode down the left-mitt menu. Then choose Create a Video on the menu, choose your resolution, and whether you want to use any narration y'all've added to the deck. The entire presentation will then exist saved as an MP4 video file. If you merely desire 1 slide exported equally a video – the slide with your edited video on information technology – then hide all the other slides in the deck. Then PowerPoint will export 1 slide to video. Yous can then un-hide the slides once again. To hide a slide in PowerPoint, select the slide (or slides) in the thumbnails on the left, right click and cull Hide Slide from the popular-up menu. This acts equally a toggle switch, and so if a slide is already subconscious, yous can unhide the slide by doing the same thing.

And with all of these techniques, you're at present prepare to start to create some actually engaging interactive video content. My colleague Mikila has some bang-up suggestions on how to effectively use interactive videos in eLearning which may inspire you farther.

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How to Make Line by Line Come Seperately for Powerpoint TUTORIAL

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